Privacy Policy for Goth Cloth Co.

Last Updated: 01-01-2024

1. Introduction

Welcome to Goth Cloth & Co. This privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, protect, and handle the personal information of our visitors and customers. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us, and we are committed to safeguarding your data.

2. Information We Collect

We collect personal information when you visit our site, place an order, subscribe to a newsletter, respond to a survey, fill out a form, or enter information on our site. The information collected may include your name, email address, mailing address, phone number, credit card information, or other details to help you with your experience.

3. How We Use Your Information

The information we collect may be used in the following ways:

  • To personalize your experience and to allow us to deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
  • To improve our website in order to better serve you.
  • To allow us to better service you in responding to your customer service requests.
  • To administer a contest, promotion, survey or other site feature.
  • To quickly process your transactions.
  • To ask for ratings and reviews of services or products
  • To follow up after correspondence (live chat, email or phone inquiries)

4. How We Protect Your Information

Our website is scanned on a regular basis for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible. We implement a variety of security measures when a user places an order to maintain the safety of your personal information.

5. Use of Cookies

We use cookies to:

  • Help remember and process the items in the shopping cart.
  • Understand and save user's preferences for future visits.
  • Keep track of advertisements.
  • Compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interactions in order to offer better site experiences and tools in the future.

6. Third-Party Disclosure

We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your Personally Identifiable Information unless we provide users with advance notice. This does not include website hosting partners and other parties who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or serving our users, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential.

7. Third-Party Links

Occasionally, at our discretion, we may include or offer third-party products or services on our website. These third-party sites have separate and independent privacy policies. We, therefore, have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites.

8. Your Consent

By using our site, you consent to our privacy policy.

9. Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to update this privacy policy at any time. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on the website.

10. Contact Us

If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy, you may contact us using the information below.

Address: 815 Wilbrown Circle Charlotte, NC 28217 USA
Phone: +1 828-638-6945